Right at the heart of Cyprus, 190 meters above sea level and surrounded by hills, lies the picturesque village of Skarinou. Located near three of the main towns of the island, Nicosia, Limassol and Larnaka, right off the main motorway interconnecting these three towns, Skarinou combines the qualities of country life with the luxuries of life in town.
Built on the side of the hill with the unique Cypriot terrain as its background, Skarinou preserves its traditional architecture. The houses resemble the old traditional stone buildings reminiscent of days passed and gone. And as with most small villages in Cyprus, Skarinous dominant land mark is the church of The Guiding Virgin Mary (Panayia i Odigidria) which stands proud and tall at the entrance of the village as if to welcome both locals and visitors.
Furthermore, the old style identity of the village remains intact with its narrow streets leading to squares and natural openings. Houses with central courtyards and heavy, big entrance doors (outer-doors known in Greek as xoportia) are still found all over the village which is built in different levels because of the morphology of the ground.
In recent years, the village has attracted the attention of both Cypriots and foreigners who have shown interest in buying land or houses in the area either for permanent residency or just for owning a house in the country, yet not far away from the town.